Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Golden Kiwis

Dear Friends,

Today marks an amazing discovery. That is why I decided to make a once-in-a-while post on Thoughts of Emily. Actually, Emily hasn't been around much ever since we left Seattle. But hey... I am Emily, right? (Oh gosh I sound super creepy).

Anyway, my discovery. Yes, I made an EPIC discovery today here in Tai Wai, HK. I encountered my FIRST "GOLDEN KIWI"!!! (yes, indeed you read it right...!)

I'm not sure whether you would understand. BUT I had never seen a golden Kiwi before. Yesterday I bought a pack of kiwis on discount. (because I am a poor AEC.....) and after dinner today, I was thinking hey, I should have some before I forgot about them. I figure this kiwi looks kinda funny. BUT THEN....!!!! When I cut it open! It's GOLD!!! 

Okay, now I think I'm overreacting....... But I was actually very excited. It's like seeing yellow watermelon for the first time. :p (yes, they do actually exist!)

Anyway, since I plan to write about my unforgettable encounter... I should update you all about my exploration in this new territory. Here are some pictures:

Well, actually.. these pictures are not so much just HK island. They also include other adventure and journey I made elsewhere as well. But here, let's continue for the time being.

ประตูชัย เวียงจันทร์, สปป.ลาว (Patuxay, Vientiane, Lao PDR)

another one of my self-proclaimed epic discovery :) Tintin Bar aka Chokdee Bar in Vientiane!

I'm gonna end it as this. Since I have some important reading to do! :)

I'll be back soon (I hope)!!

Best of my love,
emily alexandreta

Monday, November 7, 2011

life and the stories behind it,

Dear friends,

There is so much to say about my new life here in Hong Kong, but I'm just going to say that I'm okay, everything has been going rather well. My job seems like a great opportunity to grow as a person and as a professional. But today, I want to reach out to one of my readers, who apparently has followed my blog for a long while. Without my knowledge, but I mean aren't most blog followers are like that?

Most of you probably don't understand. But I honestly don't think that there are a lot of people who read this anyway. So I'm just gonna go ahead then...

I don't want to write you an email, and I wish you understand that there is a good reason behind it. Communicating through emails, recently, doesn't seem to be the best way for me to communicate with you. Afterall, one of the emails I sent you end up hurting you. So now writing you an email, or receiving an email is rather scary.. But today I went through the emails you sent me during the passed couple of months, and they remind me of how grateful and happy I was, to randomly find your email in my inbox. I remember how it makes me smile. And I want to make you smile like the way you used to, and I want to make you happy like how you made me feel happy.

I think I can do better. I think I will. I know Wesley will back me up.... Right?

 I miss you. I am truly sorry and I miss you.

Emily Alexandreta

Monday, October 24, 2011

The City I Will Learn to Love.

Dear Friends,

In a few days, I'm moving to Hong Kong. For those of you who haven't known, I have left Seattle. I've received an offer in Hong Kong, and finally I'm heading there to start working. I've been to Hong Kong a couple of times, but simply as a tourist, visiting family or just for shopping. But this time it is going to be different. I have to learn to love this city. I mean I'm originally from Bangkok, how different could it be right? :)

I think I'll be fine, but I can't help but being nervous. When I moved to Seattle, there was someone there with me, to support me, here it's completely new. I do have family there, but it is rather a different feeling. I am sure I'll adapt to the city soon enough! But wish me luck.

gotta learn to love the crowded scenes, the busy streets, the people, the languages and the culture.

Hong Kong, originally uploaded by d.r.i.p..

Emily Alexandreta

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Extent of Friendship

Dear Friends,

It’s been a long while since my last post. A lot of things has changed and definitely my life has become a little more smooth than it was during the past summer. Many variables in my life have fallen into its place. I’m not sure quite whether it’s the right place or not. But like Steven Jobs stated in 2005 Standford University commencement, you can’t connect the dots forward. I’m only hoping that in the future I’ll be look back to this time and realized how things have gone right.

However, what I actually want to write about is this situation with one of my dear friend. She’s a musician and such great potential and she was ready to take another step forward, go to music school and dream big. Meanwhile, she’s collaborating with her friends in a band. I just never really thought that this situation would happen to someone so close to me. Well, life is unexpected, and no matter how hard you try or how much my dad taught me otherwise when I was younger, you can’t always expect the unexpected.

Her friend took one of her songs, that she has given permission to “work on it together”. However, when she was not out of town. The rest of the band worked on this ‘new sound’ that everyone seems to love, and turned it into something, doesn’t matter whether it’s good or not, different. Definitely not like something that my friend originally has envisioned. The band showed it to the producer, and guess what… they like it. So what happened when my friend came back home? She felt like her friend just stabbed her in the back.

I wasn’t able to find the right words to say, but her inability to express one emotion at the same time, just silenced me for a while.  I listened to what happened, and I told her what I think she should do. But I understand what she was trying to explain to me. Do you ruin more than one person’s happiness and dream? Or do you ruin your own?

This really question the scope of intellectual property. There is no defined line to say what’s right or wrong? How far should we extent the notion of “friendship”, or forgiving a friend? I am genuinely sorry for her that she has to experience this situation. No matter how many times I kept telling myself, it’s okay.. this happens in the music business. It doesn’t seem to make any sense when it’s your own friends who are in this situation.

I think it’s something that we should all think about. At least after you read this. Another dilemma for all of you readers.

Emily Alexandreta.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

heartbreaks, goodbyes and new beginnings

dear friends,

who knows graduation can bring so many heartbreaks? yes, i'm back to pondering about saying goodbyes once again. But ever since the day I graduated on june 11th 2011. i used to believe that graduation brings happiness and new beginning. Starting another chapter of life should be exciting and mind-blowing. But here I am in Los Angeles, in fear and confusion.

its just that.. just now I was on the phone with my friend, who is on the journey home, after the four years of college in Oregon. She is finally going home to her family.

however, all i heard from heartbreaks. she was sobbing.. and I believe that when I have to move away from Seattle I'll cry my heart out. just like what she was going through. she has to part from her life here. from what she has here, from her friends and more importantly her love. how is that a good thing? people keeps telling me that goodbye is simply a new beginning, but what if I were never to see these faces again? experience these feeling I'm having right now again. What if...?

part of me is just using this excuse not to feel...  anything. Not to feel lonely, scared, loved, or happiness. i feel like i don't have to be this stressed out. i just set these damn standard for myself that i never live up to. Yes, I believe that I can live up to it, but... I have never reached my own expectations. Yes, I'm just ranting.

maybe all i need is to let go. let myself love. let myself cry. let myself fail.

maybe that is all i need to do.

emily alexandreta

Thursday, July 28, 2011

my unfortunate dependence on the social network.

Dear Friends,

I just watched The Social Network. And yes, it is indeed a little too late. I remember everyone was so excited to go watch it because it's about the creation of facebook which has become much of our generation culture. The movie is somewhat subjective, but I know isn't that the whole point of entertainment. You need a point of view.

Well more importantly, I do realized that I am one of those people. Admittedly, the first thing I checked when I get online (as much as I tried to resist) is my gmail accounts, my school email account and of course facebook. I remember in 2006 that I first got facebook. I remember having hi5 and myspace. Those were the "cool thing" then.  Senior year in high school, back then there's an age limit on facebook. Whatever happens to that. now children have facebook, which I have always find that rather sad. Hell, even DOGS have facebook.

My point is.. as I'm ranting about facebook. My life is pretty much on facebook. I found my friends from all over the world and be able to connect with them as though we have never been parted. In 2006, I got the opportunity to have friends from all over the world-- Ghana, Scotland, United States, China, Korea, etc. It was amazing. But all we have was each other emails and maybe abandoned myspace pages. But then one day, my friend John invited all of us to join facebook. I was in Thailand back then and hey.. what the fuck is facebook? That was my first thought. But hell, it seems interesting. So yes, I signed up, pretty much lying about my age. Yes, I was one of the kids that got facebook. I didn't know what I'm getting myself into. I didn't know that facebook will become the thing that people are talking about all the time. I was hooked.

The Social Network made me feel rather sad and nostalgic. But that is pretty much my story about how I got facebook. What is your story?


emily alexandreta

Sunday, July 10, 2011

my unemployed days

dear friends,

i honestly don't want to talk much about what I do these days. the title of this post would... technically sums everything up. but I want to show you some pictures that capture my week. Here they are:

just finished this book. very inspiring indeed.
beautiful summer seattle.
yes i jumped off that overpass.

emily alexandreta

Thursday, July 7, 2011


dear friends,

I want to dedicate this blog post to saying goodbye. earlier today I found out that my grandmother from my mom's side passed away... She was in Thailand, and I can't exactly do much since I am here in Seattle. I have always thought about this moments. What if I lost someone in my family when I am here in Seattle, what exactly do I do? I have always imagined the moments since I was here four years ago. Now that it happens.. I have no idea how to react. I don't know what to respond.

my brother called to inform me about this. it's not like it is sudden and unexpected. when my parents came over to Seattle for graduation. They have discussed the situation with me, that I should prepare myself of this loss. So I did. but then what? I'm stuck here. it's not like i don't want to go back or anything, but i can't leave the country until I got a job offer (yes, life as an international student is kinda... tormented). but here's what I think. My grandmother was almost a hundred years old when she passed away. I say that is a long time, and that she had lived her life, had 9 children and had tons of grandchildren and great grandchildren. I say that is indeed a full life.

Well, I want to dedicate this picture to my grandma. I'll miss you, and rest in peace.

Forth of July, overlooking Gas Works Park, Seattle, WA

Emily Alexandreta

Friday, July 1, 2011

Food and Life

dear friends,

my best friends have recently been in the small (not really) quarrel lately, and yes.. I'm stuck in the middle, like most times. I have always been in the middle of things, just 'cause I'm the LOGICAL" one, they say. I think I simply tend not to get mad at people, so I'm stuck in the middle between two strong-headed friends who don't talk their problem out. the funny thing is the last time this happens was last summer with my best friends in Thailand. and now my friends here in Seattle this summer. ahh.. life!

today, however, I feel like I've accomplished something. this situation has been going on for days, and I talked to my friends (unrelated third party) who told me that it's not my problem, I can try to help but it needs to be them to talk it out. well, they are adults already, they can do that. but MAN. I get worried and stressed out during these times. anyway, my accomplishments today were my successes in keeping both of my friends calm and convinced them that they need to talk. both of them seem much happier when they talked to me. so I'm happy as well (even though I have to ruin the surprise for one of them, and another will probably kill me for that.) but hey, I manage to calm another person down. and she can sleep soundly tonight without being pissed off. I say that is a success.

totally unrelated moment, but since I'll be saying a lot of goodbyes this week. I want to cheerish the moments that my friends and I have spent together recently. I'm so going to miss Jennifer. One of my best friends in Seattle and always will be, dear.

I just want to express my accomplishments of the day. I'm still jobless and failed to work on my cover letters today, but that is exactly what I'm working on after this.

love you all,
emily alexandreta

p.s. this post is called "food and life" is because i've eaten so much today to the point that i feel fat. and life.. is just about adna and jennifer situation. and thanks to claire chan for the discussion about my crisis right now. ah, i'm so grateful for my seattle friends. 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

a slow afternoon at Ugly Mug Cafe

Ugly Mug Cafe with Arada

dear friends, 

after the recent activities that have been going nonstop since graduation season, I was finally settled down to do some minor errands and jobs. yes, I'm finally graduated. but I'm still a little bit lost on about what's going to be the next step. but I intend to keep moving forward. who knows where I will end up next month? 

anyway, so I'm sitting here at the Ugly Mug Cafe in the u-district in Seattle, researching different opportunities. my mind wonders off from places to places, from one topic to another. two main concerns right now for me are that one of my best friends here in Seattle is leaving. but I'll extend that story in another post. Another thing is just about job searching. but as I mentioned, all I can do right now is to remain positive. 

meanwhile, my plan is to explore Seattle. so far, I've been to new places. and I like that. I've been experiencing new things, which I'll share with you all, dear friends. but for now i'm hungry. so i'm going to leave this post with a picture I recently took on summer solstice. I hope you guys will like it :)

Summer Solstice Sunset from Gas Works Park, June 21st 2011

emily alexandreta

p.s. recently i've been into instagram lately. find me guys, I'm under the name, "mzkaew".

Sunday, May 1, 2011

spring quarter stories #1

Spring quarter. There is just so many good memories with Spring Quarters here at University of Washington. But this is not the story about old memories, but more about this current one. My last one here at UW as an undergraduate student. I'm going to show you a set of photos that tell you stories of my life since the end of March. I think you'll enjoy it. Well, I hope you will. Yay!

#1: Spring break: Honolulu, HI
Sandy Beach. We were there during the first couple of days.  We got there for 5 minutes and it started to pour down. But we are Seattlites, shouldn't we be able to handle rain and storm? :p
The wave at Wai Mea Beach is SO BIG. My friends and I got swept by the 6ft waves a couple of times. It was seriously, SERIOUSLY crazy! :p

This particular story, I feel obligated to tell. During my visit at the Pearl Harbor. I wanted to pay my respect to those that lives have been lost as the result of the attack. I didn't realize this, but my friend later told me that I was pretty much the only Asian there. I didn't realize this neither, but apparently people look at me weird and assumed I was Japanese. Honestly, I feel so discriminated against. People learned from their mistakes, they learned from history. For people who think that I should not be there that day, to pay respect, learn about history and hopefully I can contribute to the world by making sure that they are not learning the same mistake, you are just another ignorant individual who honestly need to educate yourself about how WIDE the world actually is. Maybe, you will learn that the world is not just in your state. 

#2: My best friend visiting
I miss you so much. I'm glad you visited me. Although we didn't really have time to ourselves to catch up and hang out like we used to. But it was nice to see you in the city where I am now. 

#3: Michaela and Stephen Jensen :)
Woot woot, dance party oh yeahhh! My two good friends got married at the end of the spring break!  Yeah!!  Cheers to them. Great time :) Lovely small cozy wedding with close family and friends. And of course an awesome dance party at the end! LOVELY, yay!

#4: Saying goodbye, yet again.
This quarter is actually all about saying goodbye to friends, the friends that I've made here in Seattle that is leaving... two goodbyes already. How many more?


Well, i have some bad story too I suppose.

 #6: Olympic National Park

This is actually from the Tulip Festival in Mt. Vernon. Pretty huh? :)
My favorite photograph that I took from the trip, our Twilight tour. I'm just kidding, we are not a fan.

#7: Epic Friday/Weekend
Wow, seriously that weekend was a great weekend, period. I made new friends who made me laugh who made my night. And to top that, it was sunny all weekend long. Hopefully, there will be more to come, with you and with you all. :p 

#8: Steve Aoki 
Well, I'm not sure what to add to that except maybe, "get ready for some turbulence!"

#9: PostSecret in Seattle
PostSecret came to UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON! 4 years, I have waited for it to come. And I am lucky enough to have attended the talk with Frank Warren. The courage that people took to step up and talk about their secrets, their most inner self exposed to hundreds of people at the event. Thanks to them. I feel more confident about accepting myself and choosing my path. I feel like I am more willing to let go and allow myself to love. Yes, to love. To put yourself out there for people who are attracted to. To love them, no matter how they think of you. Thank you for that encouragement.

#10: Sunny Seattle:
This is just April. stories during April. there will be more. But only this past month I've learned so much. I've learned to let go and relax, to enjoy myself from time to time :) April, I'm thankful of you!

Thank you for listening.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

worried about your future? here's your answer.

Emily Oster, an economist at University of Chicago.

This is actually what I want to do in the future, being able to apply the economic theories/approach to tackle of the problem of public health and using the epidemiological data.

Emily Oster flips our thinking on AIDS in Africa | Video on
Note: this was recorded in the year 2007. So data might be outdated.

-People with longer life expectancy would more likely change their behaviors (i.e. it's all about incentive!)
-AIDS as the opportunity cost of engaging in a sexual intercourse, whether it's a long-term relationship, or a one-night-stand.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Thank you 2010!

2010 was indeed an eventful year. Many things happened, both good and bad. I just want to recap what happened in 2010 in a series of pictures according to the seasons. I hope you all enjoy my story.

My 2010 started in Bangkok, Thailand where I just have a quiet night at home with my family. I'm not much of a person who would go out and party during NYE. It's just a little too much for me. Our family, however, had a little vacation to the mountain and the beach.

Kwae River. 
The room that Beckham stayed in. Wow.
Home for the holidays!
Purikura in Seattle, at the beginning of winter quarter!
Hi Bob.
Go Canadaa! Winter Olympic in Vancouver!
Pick's creation over the winter quarter!
Thanks Sean, for making sure that we go there!
Spring break in SF, where our friendships bloom! Best Spring break so far!

Yearly tulip visits!
This is when I started blogging! :) yay!
Thailand's UW Alumni event at UW Seattle!
The NERDY representation of our friendship!
Spring quarter, Spring parties. :)
Relay for life. One of the most painful nights at UW. It was pouring outside, and we were trying to sleep.  -_-!
Our dearest, graduating.
Bedlam Cafe, studying still dawn with Catherine, Kelsey and Sam!
This picture sums up my Spring Quarter. Ugh, 21 credits. never again.
The unfortunate event happened in Thailand during mid-May.
Ah, the typical summer. if you know what I mean. A little boost, a couple dancing queens, some real good time.
Internship at Phatra. This is what I do every single morning for two months!
Rayong, Thailand, another family vacation!