Monday, October 24, 2011

The City I Will Learn to Love.

Dear Friends,

In a few days, I'm moving to Hong Kong. For those of you who haven't known, I have left Seattle. I've received an offer in Hong Kong, and finally I'm heading there to start working. I've been to Hong Kong a couple of times, but simply as a tourist, visiting family or just for shopping. But this time it is going to be different. I have to learn to love this city. I mean I'm originally from Bangkok, how different could it be right? :)

I think I'll be fine, but I can't help but being nervous. When I moved to Seattle, there was someone there with me, to support me, here it's completely new. I do have family there, but it is rather a different feeling. I am sure I'll adapt to the city soon enough! But wish me luck.

gotta learn to love the crowded scenes, the busy streets, the people, the languages and the culture.

Hong Kong, originally uploaded by d.r.i.p..

Emily Alexandreta

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