Thursday, June 30, 2011

a slow afternoon at Ugly Mug Cafe

Ugly Mug Cafe with Arada

dear friends, 

after the recent activities that have been going nonstop since graduation season, I was finally settled down to do some minor errands and jobs. yes, I'm finally graduated. but I'm still a little bit lost on about what's going to be the next step. but I intend to keep moving forward. who knows where I will end up next month? 

anyway, so I'm sitting here at the Ugly Mug Cafe in the u-district in Seattle, researching different opportunities. my mind wonders off from places to places, from one topic to another. two main concerns right now for me are that one of my best friends here in Seattle is leaving. but I'll extend that story in another post. Another thing is just about job searching. but as I mentioned, all I can do right now is to remain positive. 

meanwhile, my plan is to explore Seattle. so far, I've been to new places. and I like that. I've been experiencing new things, which I'll share with you all, dear friends. but for now i'm hungry. so i'm going to leave this post with a picture I recently took on summer solstice. I hope you guys will like it :)

Summer Solstice Sunset from Gas Works Park, June 21st 2011

emily alexandreta

p.s. recently i've been into instagram lately. find me guys, I'm under the name, "mzkaew".

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