Friday, October 14, 2011

The Extent of Friendship

Dear Friends,

It’s been a long while since my last post. A lot of things has changed and definitely my life has become a little more smooth than it was during the past summer. Many variables in my life have fallen into its place. I’m not sure quite whether it’s the right place or not. But like Steven Jobs stated in 2005 Standford University commencement, you can’t connect the dots forward. I’m only hoping that in the future I’ll be look back to this time and realized how things have gone right.

However, what I actually want to write about is this situation with one of my dear friend. She’s a musician and such great potential and she was ready to take another step forward, go to music school and dream big. Meanwhile, she’s collaborating with her friends in a band. I just never really thought that this situation would happen to someone so close to me. Well, life is unexpected, and no matter how hard you try or how much my dad taught me otherwise when I was younger, you can’t always expect the unexpected.

Her friend took one of her songs, that she has given permission to “work on it together”. However, when she was not out of town. The rest of the band worked on this ‘new sound’ that everyone seems to love, and turned it into something, doesn’t matter whether it’s good or not, different. Definitely not like something that my friend originally has envisioned. The band showed it to the producer, and guess what… they like it. So what happened when my friend came back home? She felt like her friend just stabbed her in the back.

I wasn’t able to find the right words to say, but her inability to express one emotion at the same time, just silenced me for a while.  I listened to what happened, and I told her what I think she should do. But I understand what she was trying to explain to me. Do you ruin more than one person’s happiness and dream? Or do you ruin your own?

This really question the scope of intellectual property. There is no defined line to say what’s right or wrong? How far should we extent the notion of “friendship”, or forgiving a friend? I am genuinely sorry for her that she has to experience this situation. No matter how many times I kept telling myself, it’s okay.. this happens in the music business. It doesn’t seem to make any sense when it’s your own friends who are in this situation.

I think it’s something that we should all think about. At least after you read this. Another dilemma for all of you readers.

Emily Alexandreta.

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