Saturday, June 26, 2010

my summer internship

I know it is indeed kinda sad when I have to start interning on the week of my birthday. But hey, if I don't push myself to start now, then when right?

So yeah, I started on Monday 6/21. I was pretty nervous though not that bad. But yeah, I walked into the building to the HR department and fill up some documents. I met up with another intern there. There were supposed to be 4 interns, but only 2 including me show up on that day. So I went to the research department. To be honest, I only get this internship because of connections. My dad knows the head of the department. Yah, I REALLY do get it easy. But to tell you the truth, no one would get this opportunity if they just applied. Like in my friend's case. I know he will be one of the best economists in the future. He got the internship with the Bank of Thailand, but not here. They didn't even bother to reply. That sucks right? :( I feel bad for him, but at least he's enjoying his internship too.

Anyway, first day was very slow. I just sat there waiting... and then waiting... some people walked in and introduced themselves to me. Nice people, at least. But the first day was the most boring day EVER. I literally just sat there with 4 computers that I have no access to. It's pathetic.

One important note, the research department has this morning meeting everyday. So we start the day.. relatively early. I have to be there at 7am in the morning! 7am, friends.....

But I did. I woke up at 6am on my birthday to go to the morning meeting. It was actually a really interesting experience. We discussed about something that just came on the news. I checked Bloomberg for the news, but it appears on the headlines after the meeting. It is amazing how fast information flows these days.

Oh well, I'll keep updating stuff on my blog :)
But yeah.. another thing to note: I just turned 21!! Hurray!!
(the legal age in Thailand is 20... so....)

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