Tuesday, June 15, 2010

goal of the day

As I was lying around on the floor, my dad came home from work. So one of the goals for me today was to not turn on the air-con until later at night, when i'm about to head to bed. I've been successful so far.

But you guys know something funny? :) my dad was the one who took a nap at his usual spot. Suddenly he woke up and told me how hot it is and please turn on the air con. I found this is really funny, because here I am trying so hard to endure this weather, training myself to get used to this horrid weather. (It isn't actually that bad, just me.. complaining!) Then he who has been living here in Thailand, doesn't even care about the weather. turned on the air-con anyway.

Despite this incident, I'm stilll going to try to achieve my goal of getting used to this weather. But as of now, I just like my spot right now, where the air is blowing directly at me. Let me indulge myself for at least half and hour, please. Hmmmm <3

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