Wednesday, June 30, 2010

polaroid, but not polaroid.

, originally uploaded by Maggie Lochtenberg.

Polaroid photos on newspaper.
I've always wanted to try that,

I figured that polaroid films would be avaible even now. obviously i'm wrong. now i don't have the change to do it.

i'm so overreacting. :P

Makes me miss the good old days...

this reminds me of the time when there was so many things to think and worry about..

hmmm.. childhood :D

Monday, June 28, 2010

i still want a puppy.

My Beagle baby (Nightly New), originally uploaded by Dja_Ram.

have i ever mentioned how much i love beagles? they are just absolutely adorable!! even though i've heard that they are just sooooo naughty sometimes, but how can you resist not loving this creature?


"swallowing seeds and petals"

swallowing seeds and petals, originally uploaded by alexis mire.

I love the composition.

although swallowing seeds and petals is a little bit weird, with the perception that there's no metaphorical implications.

I just love it anyway... :)

Thanks to Alex Mire.

new intern


Now I have a new friend interning in this department with me! I'm actually excited to get to know her better. She seems like a very interactive person.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

my summer internship

I know it is indeed kinda sad when I have to start interning on the week of my birthday. But hey, if I don't push myself to start now, then when right?

So yeah, I started on Monday 6/21. I was pretty nervous though not that bad. But yeah, I walked into the building to the HR department and fill up some documents. I met up with another intern there. There were supposed to be 4 interns, but only 2 including me show up on that day. So I went to the research department. To be honest, I only get this internship because of connections. My dad knows the head of the department. Yah, I REALLY do get it easy. But to tell you the truth, no one would get this opportunity if they just applied. Like in my friend's case. I know he will be one of the best economists in the future. He got the internship with the Bank of Thailand, but not here. They didn't even bother to reply. That sucks right? :( I feel bad for him, but at least he's enjoying his internship too.

Anyway, first day was very slow. I just sat there waiting... and then waiting... some people walked in and introduced themselves to me. Nice people, at least. But the first day was the most boring day EVER. I literally just sat there with 4 computers that I have no access to. It's pathetic.

One important note, the research department has this morning meeting everyday. So we start the day.. relatively early. I have to be there at 7am in the morning! 7am, friends.....

But I did. I woke up at 6am on my birthday to go to the morning meeting. It was actually a really interesting experience. We discussed about something that just came on the news. I checked Bloomberg for the news, but it appears on the headlines after the meeting. It is amazing how fast information flows these days.

Oh well, I'll keep updating stuff on my blog :)
But yeah.. another thing to note: I just turned 21!! Hurray!!
(the legal age in Thailand is 20... so....)

Friday, June 25, 2010

"Enjoy the Music.."

Enjoy the Music.., originally uploaded by mzkaew.

Ahh, summer spent in Seattle.


good weather, good times!

flickr moments.

So. Are you interested to know why I have been updating my blogs with photos from flickr like constantly? Well, I just started my internship on Monday, June 21st 2010, and at work, I have no access to anything. By anything, I mean, gmail, hotmail, facebook, yahoo, youtube. But I still have access to the internet. Hence I have been spending a lot of time on flickr, and of course... updating my blog. :D

I haven't really updated anything because I am scared of getting caught in the act by my boss/supervisors. I'm supposed to be working really hard with numbers, but here I am blogging. Oh well, it's Friday afternoon and a little more than an hour of work is left.

Two of the things I've just realized today. Since I have spent so much of my time today rumaging on my flickr account, I realized that I should just update some of the photos on it. It has not been awhile, but i realized that there are so many other great photos that I can put on it. New goal of the day: Spend more time on flickr account. Promote myself a little more. Give me some actualy credits with photography. :) So that would be another one of my projects over the summer.

And... Yes, I should be talking about my summer internship... I'll wait until the next entry :P

"Verge of Happiness 02"

Verge of Happiness 02, originally uploaded by mzkaew.

Here are some of my photos!! :)

"Airport [Explore]"

Airport [Explore], originally uploaded by DavidShootsNikon..

WTF.. This guy jusy kept me amazed with all his interseting works!

more to come with my admiration!

Happy birthday..

Pigtail Braids, originally uploaded by lesretrouvailles.

She's one day older than I am :)

There's something about this picture that just makes me love it so much. The tone of the picture is really simple, it has this gravity.

:) Hmmmm

Her'es the link to her blog:


, originally uploaded by -gadgetgirl-.

:) Pleasant photo, isn't it?

thanks to -gadgetgirl-, making me smileeeee <3

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Smile," my new inspiration

Smile, originally uploaded by DavidShootsNikon..

how can you not smile looking at this? :D

"I Wandered Lonely"

I Wandered Lonely, originally uploaded by wentloog.

I always love this kind of photo.

Make me want to stay right where the photo was taken to witness the scene myself. :) Imagine looking at this on a windy day. hmmm <3

Simply Peaceful.
Thanks to wentloog~!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

the ruins of rage...

Since I got back, I've been to places around Bangkok making the typical errands. What I see around Bangkok are the typical Bangkok scene, thousands of people occupying the busy streets as the heat rises for the street even when the sun starts to set.

I see people walking in the normal spots, around the ruins of rage. People complain about not being able to go to their usual spots. Yes, I am really sad that central world is now burnt down. I remember all those hours I spent there, good times. But they have ignored... is why that happened in the first place?

Sigh. I'm just disappointed.


I'm in pain. Not as much as what my friend convinced me I would feel today. But still.. I am in pain. My left arm. Ugh!!

But yeah, I went wake-boarding yesterday. My first time. :) It was so much fun. Yet, I couldn't make it pass the turnnnnnnnn!!! That second turnnnn!!! I really don't get it. I fell about ten times. But oh well, practice makes perfect right? :) There will be a next time.

Sanny and me, splashing some water.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oh dear, Family!

Family will always be family. Yes, you love them unconditionally. Yet sometimes, they just seem to have the talent to cause frustration for you.

Sigh, yes. yes. yes. I know I know. But I just can't help comparing it to when I was living alone. You have no idea how bad I feel right now for comparing, but I really really can't help it just now. It's just that my dad is all over me about how I dressed. Come on, I'm almost 21. I know what is appropriate and what is not. Ugh! I know, he only does that because he cares. But yeah, I'm just tired of it. Already, yes. There's just always something to be complain about the way I dressed for him. :(
>> tank, blazer, skirt ยังไม่ดีพอ จะเอาอะไรอีกอ่าาาา?
>> Trust me. It's not that hard, since obviously you trust me living in Seattle. Give me some credit.

that is why I'm in such a bad mood. :'(

i thought i was about to have a long conversation with one of my best friend, but that didn't happen. not yet anyway. there're just soooo much to catch up with one another's life... i feel like i need to learn more about her life. we've been sort of.. out of contact for a while, and I know I'm such a bad friend. so that sorta brings me down too.

:'( แล้วยังมาอารมณ์เสียใส่แม่อีก :( :( :( :( :(

i'm just... disappointed in myself.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Chapter 5

I am so lucky, to be born to this fortune.

Although I don't have the experience that Paul Farmer may had as he was growing up, I remain hopeful that I will be like him some day.

Yet, my grades for this quarter are.. not so promising to follow his path. Ugh.

goal of the day

As I was lying around on the floor, my dad came home from work. So one of the goals for me today was to not turn on the air-con until later at night, when i'm about to head to bed. I've been successful so far.

But you guys know something funny? :) my dad was the one who took a nap at his usual spot. Suddenly he woke up and told me how hot it is and please turn on the air con. I found this is really funny, because here I am trying so hard to endure this weather, training myself to get used to this horrid weather. (It isn't actually that bad, just me.. complaining!) Then he who has been living here in Thailand, doesn't even care about the weather. turned on the air-con anyway.

Despite this incident, I'm stilll going to try to achieve my goal of getting used to this weather. But as of now, I just like my spot right now, where the air is blowing directly at me. Let me indulge myself for at least half and hour, please. Hmmmm <3

i miss seattle coffee already

I feel ashamed.

I feel ashamed that I miss lounging around in random cafe during summer time. finding good place to study or simply to just sit down and do some serious readings. I feel ashamed that I'm missing the warmth of the good Seattle coffee in the gloomy rainy days.

most importantly. I miss laying around on the grass in a newly explored parks on a sunny day like this. I was going to do so out in the backyard. Then I try to look for a blanket or sth, walked outside to find a nice spot. and I imagined, all the random animals I have found in my backyards crawling on me if in case i fell asleep. So here I am, sitting inside on a sunny day, blogging instead of reading.

:( But anyway, I do miss it already. and I feel ashamed. Here I am sitting at home, sipping awful coffee. I think I can blame that on myself since I was the one who made it.

I am scared that I would like living Seattle better than at home. I am scared that I will be one of those people I think I resent. :( I really feel scared.

Well, here's one of my all-time favorite coffee shop in Seattle. Shh.. it's a secret!

P.S. I changed my mind about what would happen if I was lying outside right about now. The watering system just goes off on its own. I would have been drenched rather than attacked by the creepy insects and animals. HAHAHA that would be been hilarious!

Back to the Tropicals

My second day at home in Bangkok, Thailand. Summer 2010.

the first thing that came into mind once i step out of the plane on the Taipei for the transit was: "welcome back to the tropicals!" Hot air rushed pass my body and I can feel the warmth of the wind. I have completely forgot what it was like to .. live at home. I found this rather sad, but I think it is so true. The last time I actually stayed home for at least a month was Summer 2008. Two years later, I almost forgot how it was.. well it is like. Both weather and my family.

Yesterday, my first day at home, I was welcomed by my parents. They picked me up at the airport, and we then headed back home. Unlike all the other times, I've come home from Seattle. I was rushed to see many grandma at her house. It turns out that she wasn't even at home. She was at my cousin's place. Probably trying to get away from all the construction that has been going on around her area.

Oh well, I did then have lunch with my grandpa. How nice it is to be back home. I really do love my grandpa. He has always been a constant figure in my life. Always appreciated my presence. Always give me this warm warm smile and tell me the stories that I have heard many time before. Hopefully he feels the same way as I do. One of my goals to do back home this time is to cherish the moments like this. I know how much this can be missed.. remembering the last time I was home.

Ah. My laptop is heating up along with the weather. Like me, I think my laptop has gotten used to being in a relatively cooler, yet crazy in Seattle. Hmm.. ah! There's a box of laptop cooling pad. Let me check it out.. it might prevent my thighs from burning up.

and... it does help! hmmmm :)

Then after lunch, we just hung out at our new condo. Near my new internship place. Convenient doesn't it? Thanks to my dad! I figured that this could be a little shed of absence of his overprotectiveness. I think it is. But I'll let you know what is really the deal with letting me live here. Well, with my brother. And, sometimes my parents will pop up out of nowhere to spend the night! This summer will be hilarious. Not that I've something crazy planned, but it will be funny anyway...

Anyway, so now I am at home. Alone. Ah, the weekdays where I don't have anything to worry about just yet. I actually need to go shopping.. but no car at this point. This totally reminds me about my Epidemiology class this past quarter. Hmm.. such bad grade, but you know what? I'm content with this quarter! I know I've learned something. Isn't that good enough? Isn't it? :( I don't know.. I'm not in the dean's list this quarter, but next time! I will! Fall quarter 2010!!!

Sorry, my nerdiness took over for just a second over there. But yea, I'm officially bored. It's burning up since it's around 11 now.. near noon! I actually have a lot of readings to do. Just trying to figure out where would be the best place to do this. I do want to lay in the sun. Tanning. Hmmmm. That sounds like a good idea. But it's too.... hot. I'm just going to roll around on the granid floor, hoping to cool myself off while reading mountains beyond mountains. :)

Sounds like a good plan for now! I'm off to do that then!

Will be updating this more often this summer! Hurray!