Tuesday, November 13, 2012

pop up card making

Dear friends,

I have been getting in touch with my arts and crafts loving self lately. Earlier I mentioned that I was going to make my own pop-up cards and that was actually a lot of fun! I finished one of my best friend's birthday card after a couple of trials.

 I'll show you some pictures I took with from behind the scene...

I didn't follow the template exactly, but that was what I thought was fun. trial and error. haha, or else it would have come too easily. I like challenges (not too much.. obviously. =3)

anyway, this is going to be it for tonight. I want to have a early night.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Another day in Hong Kong

Dear friends,

Today is indeed another day in Hong Kong. A laugh-out-loud "epic fail" day. So let me tell you my story...

This week my mind has been occupied with two main things: (1) the fact that I am sick, and (2) making a home-made pop-up birthday/congratulations card (thanks, mini-eco for the inspiration!) f for one of my best girl in Seattle. As I have already failed to find an appropriate birthday gift that can be shipped internationally, this card better happen.

So Friday night art supplies hunt started (I actually need cutting mat and x-acto knife). I figured.. I took off the night from my Hockey class as I am not fully recovered.. I should take this time to go find the supplies that I need i.e. cutting mat and a actually cutter. So.. I thought I saw a good one while hunting for birthday gift two nights before, so I went back to the store in Sha Tin.. I did not find the ones that I have imagined. So I went to the same store in another district (2 stations away in Kowlong Tong). I did not find it there neither. But I did not give up because.. I figured I'm already out, I should use my time wisely.. So this is where my epic fail moment started.

I never know finding the most simple stuff can be this difficult until I moved to Hong Kong. So I went to the nearby bookstore knowing I would find it... And there's none there. I am still optimistic, so I remember googling "art supplies Hong Kong" and I came up with a good store in Mong kok. Since I am already out, I figured my journey should continue (so I can spend tmr working on this card). So I kept going.

Another station away.. I was certain that I was going to find it as I have only find good reviews! I was very certain. AND..... after walking blocks and blocks looking for the stores. I found a whole lot of them!!! They are all in the same block!! BUT... (yes, "BUT") most importantly.. they are all CLOSED as well.

"dim dim dim" indeed.

Well, I actually remain positive. I got something that I've been meaning to buy on a random store while on a hunt for art supplies. And now that I know where it is.. I could always go back anytime (aka tmr as her birthday is coming up soon). So tmr I will be back again. Until then!

So I went home, disappointed but it really was not too bad. So back at my home station I was thinking.. "hmmm what am I going to cook when I get back home?" Walking out of the train station, that is when I saw it... This girl carrying a huge canvas (one of those you can only buy at art supplies store) and a canvas stand.. (again, one of those you can buy at art supplies store).

"dim dim dim" x2 indeed.

And... that is the story of my "Epic Fail" today.
I laughed very hard when I saw the girl.
I know there should be an art supplies store nearby I just... I am just a foreigner who does not know her way!!! :p

credited to Postsecret
To live up to the postcard, three things I've planned to do this weekend:
  • Update my Flickr account and upload some of my latest photos.
  • Made the homemade popup card, AND while on another art supplies hunt in Mong Kok, go on an exploration photoshoot with my macro lens! 
  • Think about my living situation next year... Keep telling myself, "Find or roommate or get a new apt, you don't want to be homeless."
I think I've written enough for the night. I'll upload some of my exploration photoshoot tmr.


P.S. here's another one of my favorites on Post Secret this week.
I hope so too..

Monday, October 22, 2012

Dimsum Land turns Outdoor Land

Dear friends,

Coming to Hong Kong, I was under the impression that I am coming to live in one of the most crowdest place in the world (apparently that is not true, although sometimes it seems like it could be), one of the best food in the world, but a claustrophobic would just die living in HK apartments.  At some point earlier, I just know that I would never live in Hong Kong. And I remember saying that.

Although it took me some time to ease in to Hong Kong lifestyle, now I really have grown to love this city. Its accessibility and its systematic transport system. Many of my friends actually told me that the "honor system" tends to works perfectly well here, but not things have changed for a bit. Although coming from the absolute (and not relative, since I have never lived in other Chinese-speaking city) perspective, HK people are rather rude.

Hey, hey.. this is not a blog to rant about HK but rather I want to express how appreciative I am that I chose to come to HK. I met many good friends and I have learned a lot of these great people around me this year. It's going to be approximately 1 year next Saturday since I arrived in Hong Kong for this job.

So... back to my point on being appreciative. I have recently becoming more active, and start hiking and playing hockey. I have realized and am very much impressed by HK people's activeness. They are always busy doing something, playing sports, going to the beach, hiking, BBQ-ing, etc. But I have fell in love with HK outdoors. It's like a hidden gem. Almost like Seattle Summer as the Northwest secret, just almost though. But this recent eye-opening completely alters my perspective of HK and I recalled the last time I went home, my mom said "you really do travel like a local." Yes, I am proud to travel like local. Spending time outside in HK is.. one word... Epic.

My colleagues/ex-colleagues hiked up to this beach yesterday, Ham Tin Beach. This is claimed to be the most beautiful beach in HK, and it surely is (see picture below). Took this picture with iphone, sorry for the bad quality and my scribble on the photos. But well if you want the better version, go find me on instagram (@mzkaew).

Despite the obvious sign. We went out there anyway, just to see how scary it is.
Well I go there for taking a picture, but my friends are probably not there just to check how cool it is.
Credit to: Pauline Chan

My intention is to explore HK outdoor a little bit more while I am here. Finish the HK trail by the end of this year. And appreciate HK a little bit more each day. Perhaps even fall in love with it like I did with Seattle.

Okay, I should go now! Hope you all enjoy the picture! Ciao!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Old journal..

Dear friend,
Just found this draft hidden somewhere on my computer.

March 9th 2012
Dear friends,

For the last three weeks, I was in Vientiane, Lao PDR for a business trip.  During this time, I have had the, you know, typical ups and downs, emotionally. But one thing certain that I have learned from this trip is that I should be proud of myself, for doing the work I do and being able to identify solutions for the challenges I have encountered with.

This trip was the first business trip that I have been assigned to, that is longer than a week and that I am going alone. Luckily, I was sent here to Vientiane where language isn’t really a problem because I am Thai. They even accept Thai currency here. But the planning for this trip was quite painful. It was quite a short period of time. There was problem with my credit card. I was constantly worrying about whether the trip would be okay or not. But here I am at the end of the trip, heading back home to Bangkok before going back to the dearly beloved Hong Kong (umm… that was sarcasm, just FYI).

First few days were quite exciting. There were places to see, all the temples and history to learn about Laos. Yes, I have been here before, but I was young and did not care to learn too much about how things become the way it is right now. So there were so much to learn and explore, and I was ready to tackle all that.

At the office, things were slow. I did the basic stuff, administrative and preparation of the officer operations. People were welcoming me and I did not feel out of place. Afterall, I did meet all these people before but only for a short period of time.

Let me get into the reasons why I said I was proud of myself (then I will tell you why there are things that I am disappointed with as well). I was proud of myself for being there. For being ready to challenge myself to work alone in places I am not familiar with. For working hard and trying my best for the project.

During this trip I have got many compliments from many people i.e. “you’re a strong woman… always go somewhere far away from home. Studying in Seattle, working in Hong Kong and coming to Viangchan alone.” This reminds me of what my grandma said last time I was home. She said, “I raised you to be a strong, independent woman, who won’t be scared of anything. I made you play with guns rather than dolls!” But there I was getting this compliment from the lady that sold me some postcards and stamps, and she just happened to over see my postcards to Seattle.

More than half a year late.
I know I have another one. Stay tune!


What if..

Dear friends,

Have you wondered what if...

Congratulations! You're a normal human being.

I truly think that everyone has the moment when they wonder "what if...". What if I did not move? What if we did not break up? What if I have done my best? What if I have been born smarter..? My friend, I think it's perfectly normal. We thrive to be better. We thrive for a better situation for ourselves and our loved ones.

No matter how much.. you don't want to think about it. It always comes back. It creeps into your mind when you think a little too hard. Sad, isn't it?

Personally, I am a very moody individual. One minute I can be on top of the world, and feel proud of myself. Next minute, my mind could beat my pride down. Stomp on it a little (sometimes). And I am back on the ground level or a little bit below sea level.

I think it is harmless. Not too healthy (mentally). But it drives me to be proactive in improving myself. Hike a little bit more. Be a little more social. Work a little harder. Be a better girlfriend.

I don't think I am making any sense.. But I just want to share.

I just can't help thinking.. what if you're not here. what if something happened and you can't be here to hold my hands or make me feel loved. will I still be the world traveler? will I still be this fierce young lady? will I fall in love again?

Back to reality. I will cherish you. I'll hold his hands as well. I'll hug him when he needs me. Love him more and more each day.

Hmm. Maybe it will make you a better person afterall, the ultimate yet.. deadly 'what-ifs'.

Hope you all would agree.

Emily Alexandreta

Recommended Soundtrack: Boy's "July"
Location: on the bed which scrapbooks laid out.

'what if...'

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Career Development & Personal Desire

Dear Friends,

Tonight I want to discuss about the dilemma about career development versus personal desire/preference. I am quite sure that almost everyone has to experience this dilemma but in each individually tailored experience. I have experienced this quite a lot throughout my college years as well. But today, I want to discuss the current dilemma that I am facing. Well, technically it would not be a dilemma, but it is something I have to admit to myself and break out of my comfort zone, aka my tiny little protected shell.

I've always wanted to believe to myself that I am an "explorer". I took a job in a foreign country, went to college is another foreign country. And has the purpose, to travel and explore.

But today, I am facing the opportunity to go somewhere for the current project that I am currently working on.. I should be excited, I should say yes without hesitation and I should jump with joy with this opportunity. Living somewhere else for a month, getting paid and explore while getting work done.

But here I am, confused as hell.. I will for the first time actually travel alone. I am hesitating to take that opportunity. I am torn between comfort and independence. Security and Risks (as associated with exploring into the new world/place). I know I did it before, but I feel like the other time, I have people to support me, and with their help, I was okay...

This reminds me of when I was still in school. There, they are offering this scholarship, the "Boren Scholarship". This scholarship wants to give you the opportunity to get to know more about yourself, through traveling across the world. One condition, apart from the fact that you have to be U.S. citizen, was that you have to travel alone. Well.. that scared the shit out of me. I guess this is no difference. This still scare the shit out of me.

I'll be entirely... alone. It'll be lonely. But I am going to take the opportunity.

I'll find out more about it tomorrow. And for the first time. I'll be traveling to a foreign land by myself. This should be easier, considering that I've been there before although with someone else and I speak the language too.

Sigh, why am I intimidated?

But here's my inspiration from PostSecret:

So.. Let's go on an adventure! :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Inspiring Moments

Dear friends,

I spent a day at home, literally sleeping all day since unfortunately I feel sick. I took a day off from work and get some rest, which turns out to be rather beneficial. Because now I felt great and I feel ready to tackle more work tomorrow. 

Since today I don't have the feeling, "I-need-to-get-better-so-I-need-to-sleep", I got a chance to watch the video. And the video is actually quite inspring and it reminds me of the book I once read by Steven Johnson, namely "Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation" (recommended by my dear friend, Jade, an architect). Here's a quick introductory video for the book, which I recommend everyone to read.

Eric Lander mentioned in the last part of the video that sometimes when you get stuck on one problem in the scientific world, you have to be stubborn and hold on to that thought, because the solution takes time to surface, and eventually it will come about. What he also stated about how the young scientists have so respect for boundaries of scientific fields was also very true and inspiring. Well, to be honest, it helps motivate me as a person and also boost up my self-esteem. For those of you who don't really know much about me, I studied Economic and Biology (Physiology) and sometimes I feel lost in between the two worlds. I know there is existing connection between the two fields and it is a rather useful one which has keeps appearing once in a while. But during the time when my ideas don't collide with other creative thoughts and ideas, I feel like maybe it would have been better if I study one thing and give all my attention to just one field. Maybe that would have been more useful for my career development. 

But there are moments like this, when I found inspiring talks by people with experiences and amazing ideas. It helps confirmed that I had made a good decision and that we are all meant to do something in the world, but we gotta keep working hard on maintain those hunches and make sure you are gathering information about it. Make sure moment of serendipity happens to you. :)

Well, this is what I want to share of all of you. I wish someone else would find this inspiring and useful as well. As for me, I'm going back to resting and sleeping. I need to make sure my body and my brain are ready for another working day and a promising weekend! And damn, it sure is cold here in Hong Kong during the passed few days. 

emily alexandreta

p.s. Happy New Year from Hong Kong to you all as well! 
instagram @mzkaew