Saturday, April 10, 2010

some people just never learn from the history

this post is just going to be about the demonstration that is currently going on all over thailand right now. normally i don't discuss politics with anyone, ever. thailand's politics are just too complicated. sometimes it affects your social life, so I've always just listen when someone brought it up. however, right now i just want to mention it. from my perspective. from my very personal perspective.

as of now, Thailand has declared the state of emergency. again. Last I've heard about the situation over there is that the government is trying to dissolve, not the "selected, but not elected" parliament, but the demonstration of the "red-shirts". I don't claimed to be one of the red-shirts, although when it comes to ideolo
gy, i'm definitely with them. i've always grown up hearing about the history of thailand's so-called "democracy", and how far we've come as a country. it is rough since there is no absolute democracy anywhere in the world. and i don't think there ever will be one.

since i was a kid
, i've always heard about this struggle for democracy, the october 6th incident, where many horrible things happen. activists were brutally murdered. some images that i've seen have always lingered in my mind. and to be honest, some of those pictures are my motivation to do better. to make the world better. to dream of the world of "understanding" and most definitely, peace. these stories and images definitely contribute to making who i am today, i dare say that.

i apologized for the graphic photo. THIS IS NOT AN ENCOURAGEMENT FOR SUCH ACTION. hopefully it serves as a lesson for everyone, not only the thai people.

anyway, for someone who might come across this blog, and want to learn more about the political situation in thailand. thailand recently banned an issue of the Economist due to the nature of its content. well, the content is something everyone in thailand knows about but do not dare talk about it. here's the link to online version of the article.

p.s. i really do hope that this would end peacefully. however, it's the balance between justice and peace. hopefully one is possible without the expense of another.

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