Monday, April 19, 2010

people with no brain.

So I was reading over this article about the current situation in Thailand, regarding to the current demonstration and the recent clash (April 10th 2010) that resulted in many deaths and more than 500 casualties.

I can say that I am supporting the ideology and the philosophy of what the red-shirts claimed to fight for. I can say that I do not agree with the extends of their action. Yes, they need to be heard. Yes, the government should listen to them. However, I am not saying that the government should be the only one to lose, BOTH SIDES need to compromise to sustain peace and improve the economy most effectively. We, as a country, need political stability.

But I am more of a listener than a talker. I hate when people try to impose their political opinions on me, since I most likely do not do that on them. So even though my friends and I might disagree in politics, we never brought the topics up because we don't think that this should be the reason to argue over.

Please excuse the type of languages that might show up in the next paragraph. I apologize in advance if it might offend anyone, but my intention is to state this with my raw emotions.

So the point here is actually about the article. After I finished reading the articles, I was checking out the comments that were made. And, unfortunately, I've found this fucked-up comment. (I do not have the quote of the comment. I wish I do have it to prove how ignorant and uncivilized people can be. but it was deleted before I got the chance to copy it). This 'person' was saying that as long as we, the Thai people, listen to the "poor, uneducated (Thai) people" by letting them vote and even spare their opinions, Thailand will never achieve democracy; that in the case that we start listening to these people, we are better off to be called a communist, and that the "poor, uneducated people are ripping us off" (I remember this line, i mean how can anyone forget this ignorant line).

This assbitch definitely did not fucking pass political science 101, or fucking common sense 101. WHAT KIND OF DEMOCRACY WOULD THAT BE, HUH? The democracy that the "poor, uneducated person" do NOT deserve the chance to vote. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Which fucking sources give you that stupid, ignorant idea? This kind of person just doesn't even deserve to have to right to think. What did you use this think? OBVIOUSLY not a brain. Definitely not a brain. I can't express how frustrated I am right now to know that there's a person with this kind of ideology existed on the same planet as me. It's just devastating. Or even disgusting.

Everyone has the RIGHT to vote in democracy, asshole. I understand that the concept of the 'pure' democracy has never been successfully established in the world. But that is because people in corrupted. It is in human nature. However, this fact does NOT alter the actual concept of democracy, where EVERYONE, and YES that includes your so-called "poor, uneducated people", has the right to express their votes, because EVERYONE HAS EQUAL CIVIL RIGHTS.

This incidence then linked back to short article that someone I know wrote, about how the Bangkokians should start consider the people from lower socioeconomic class from the rural areas more seriously. That in fact, their opinions mean something in the world of democracy. That they are not doing everything simply because they get paid to do it. That their ideas and thoughts are worth listening to. I know that there are those kinds of people existed among the Bangkokians. Yes, I am from Bangkok, Thailand as well, however, these ideas have never crossed my mind i.e. the people from the rural areas are just not as knowledgable as we are. It's one of the misconception that the Bangkokians need to fix. When there's a change in this perception of the lower class people, then we might be able to perform more effectively as a "global" country. We might be able to step back to be one of the emerging markets in the world.

Like I said I don't usually express my thoughts when it comes to politics. But hopefully, people will consider what I've discussed. Maybe it might help in relieving the current situation in Thailand.

Hopefully this will end peacefully.

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