Friday, April 30, 2010


Remember when I talked about how inhumane people can be by judging the "red-shirts" that they are just a piece of garbage. I've always thought those people are low. But i've seen and experienced it with someone so close to me. it's very surprising how easily people can come up with such a stupid ideas like those. I'm very disappointed. very very disappointed, it's rather sad to be honest. I've always looked up to her as an older sister and now all the things she have been saying lately. not only insulting the "Thai" people, saying that the red-shirts are not thai people. But excuse who are you? you don't even live in Thailand. Most of your family lives in New york. How can you say such things? it's just.. tragic.

one day when i can't stand it, i probably confront her. right now i just want to see how far she can go. how far a human being can view things so... differently.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

hurt locker

"going to war is a once in a life time experience.. it could be fun"
said the doctor at the base in Iraq, Hurt Locker

Watching this. Along with the thoughts of Chris Hedges's words in my head. Maybe this world is a little darker than I thought. Hold on, let me rephrase it. Maybe human beings are a lot darker than I thought.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Pray the Devil Back to Hell

these women are my new heroes.
somebody, not just one individual person, but one group of people
need to stand up and show everyone how desperately they need something
something, so delicate as peace.

cheers to these ladies, for making peace possible in Liberia.

the idea of security

the problem that was raised (in my head) by the discussion triggered in the conference earlier today is about the issue of security.

if security is categorized by UNDP into:
  • Economic security
  • Accessibility to standard quality food
  • Health security
  • Environmental Security
  • Personal Security
  • Community Security
  • Political security
do i currently feel secured right now?
do everyone has the rights to security?
yes we do.

but how do we achieve that?

this is an open-ended question.
please feel free to reply.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

how making peanut butter and jelly sandwich is sacred...

Day 1 at the "Western Regional International Health Conference: War and Global Health"

Like I've mentioned on the previous post, I am attending the WRIHC this year. I was one of the first people to check in. Well, I have to go to class during the midday and really, that was the only time that I could register before actually attending the sessions.

The first session I got the chance to attend was one of the pre-conference session, "Roadmap to Security: A Meeting of the Minds on Inequality, Conflict and Health." First, we were introduced the definitions of war, and we discussed about what constitutes the 'warless' society. At that point, we came to the conclusion that the warless society requires an unsegmented society, where there's no form of intrinsic or extrinsic commodity. Everyone is therefore born equal.

The idea that was mentioned that had never crossed my mind before is that fact that when we allow our country to go to war, we (as a collective group of human beings) are accepting those casualties and deaths that we know come along with a war; that there will be a winner and also a loser. (Ouch! That hurts to the bones, but I gotta admit that that is indeed true... as much as I do not want to accept it.)

The funny thing was that someone mentioned that we go to war when it's only profitable for us.

So there I was, sitting in the crowded room, being presented with the concept of war and inequality. All I can think about is the situation back home. Yes, we are on the verge of civil war. No matter how hard you deny it, the situation in Thailand right now might result in the civil war, not triggered by the differences in ethnicity, not differences in race. But we are going to war with our own people, simply due to the differences in opinion and perception. To me, that is just plain scary.

Then we participated in an activity, in which we were to think about the root cause of war. "Why do we go to war?" Ugh! How am I supposed to answer that? But we were told to think back step by step. This method actually is actually very thought-provoking, and the discussion that followed definitely widen my perspective on the root cause of war.


After that I've got a chance to listen to Chris Hedges, the Keynote speaker. The topic of his address was "War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning."

To be honest, when i was listening to his address, all I wanted to say to him was "dude, why so pessimistic?" He talked a lot about the experiences as a journalist in the warfare scene. His thoughts were just plain.. sick. He was describing how human nature drives the individuals in the military to this adrenaline rush when one knows one has the power to ruin, not just an object, but another human being's life. He also mentioned that you would never find friends in the context of war. Not even that, he was talking about how some people never actually find true friendship in their whole life, and there are some who are fortunate enough to like.. find a couple friends. At that point, I was like.. "dude, what the hell, why so dark?" And I knew it that he was going to mention Freud and how he described the "id" self as a part of our brutal self. AND HE DID! That was all I can think of him, and I was on the mindset of "what-is-wrong-with-this-person?" until....

Until after the end of his address during the questions and answers time, one of the thing that we have mentioned is about how he survived from such an inhumanitarian society in the context of war, how he remiain humane after all the he'd been true. He mentioned that he has PTSD and it takes him more than 3 years to get over. Even now, there are some occasion events that revisit him in the form of dreams. He talked about his struggle to come back, how he drank as the solution to not remember those tragic incidences he had experienced. I feel pity for him..

However, his last few lines just got to me when he was telling a story, about how he picked up his daughter from school, and was making her a Peanut butter and jelly sandwich for her. And she asked him, I don't know how you do it, to live the life that you lived and then come back to this "boring" moment of making PJ sandwiches. What he said after that, just make me want to cry on the spot... he responded, it is because the life that I had lived, that made me realize how sacred a moment like this is, making pj sandwich for my daughter..


It just makes me think a lot... about my own life. Although I haven't lived my life for that long, I have not experienced all the things that are out there in the world... But I have realized the values and the significance of family in such a harsh way.. It was not deaths, but it was the fear of deaths for the family members. Being here in United States, of course, isolated me from the rest of my family, who is on the other side of the world. But how can I forget that night, that night.. that I thought I'd lose my father forever. It just makes me who I am today, makes me realize that family is one of the most important thing you actually possessed. :( So I almost cried when he said that...

Friday, April 23, 2010

busy busy me

so this weekend i'll be attending a conference about war and global health. it would be interesting! :) I've been waiting for this for a while! So it better be good!

I just need to remember to be professional!!

network. sell yourself and network!

good luck, emily!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

bikers are hot.

So... I did something rather obnoxious today.
I'm still kinda embarrassed about it.

I walked up to someone and ask to take photos of his bike!
It was so awkward. but hey, it was a nice bike!

p.s. and i have personal motivation.
i love bikers. HAHA!

Monday, April 19, 2010

people with no brain.

So I was reading over this article about the current situation in Thailand, regarding to the current demonstration and the recent clash (April 10th 2010) that resulted in many deaths and more than 500 casualties.

I can say that I am supporting the ideology and the philosophy of what the red-shirts claimed to fight for. I can say that I do not agree with the extends of their action. Yes, they need to be heard. Yes, the government should listen to them. However, I am not saying that the government should be the only one to lose, BOTH SIDES need to compromise to sustain peace and improve the economy most effectively. We, as a country, need political stability.

But I am more of a listener than a talker. I hate when people try to impose their political opinions on me, since I most likely do not do that on them. So even though my friends and I might disagree in politics, we never brought the topics up because we don't think that this should be the reason to argue over.

Please excuse the type of languages that might show up in the next paragraph. I apologize in advance if it might offend anyone, but my intention is to state this with my raw emotions.

So the point here is actually about the article. After I finished reading the articles, I was checking out the comments that were made. And, unfortunately, I've found this fucked-up comment. (I do not have the quote of the comment. I wish I do have it to prove how ignorant and uncivilized people can be. but it was deleted before I got the chance to copy it). This 'person' was saying that as long as we, the Thai people, listen to the "poor, uneducated (Thai) people" by letting them vote and even spare their opinions, Thailand will never achieve democracy; that in the case that we start listening to these people, we are better off to be called a communist, and that the "poor, uneducated people are ripping us off" (I remember this line, i mean how can anyone forget this ignorant line).

This assbitch definitely did not fucking pass political science 101, or fucking common sense 101. WHAT KIND OF DEMOCRACY WOULD THAT BE, HUH? The democracy that the "poor, uneducated person" do NOT deserve the chance to vote. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Which fucking sources give you that stupid, ignorant idea? This kind of person just doesn't even deserve to have to right to think. What did you use this think? OBVIOUSLY not a brain. Definitely not a brain. I can't express how frustrated I am right now to know that there's a person with this kind of ideology existed on the same planet as me. It's just devastating. Or even disgusting.

Everyone has the RIGHT to vote in democracy, asshole. I understand that the concept of the 'pure' democracy has never been successfully established in the world. But that is because people in corrupted. It is in human nature. However, this fact does NOT alter the actual concept of democracy, where EVERYONE, and YES that includes your so-called "poor, uneducated people", has the right to express their votes, because EVERYONE HAS EQUAL CIVIL RIGHTS.

This incidence then linked back to short article that someone I know wrote, about how the Bangkokians should start consider the people from lower socioeconomic class from the rural areas more seriously. That in fact, their opinions mean something in the world of democracy. That they are not doing everything simply because they get paid to do it. That their ideas and thoughts are worth listening to. I know that there are those kinds of people existed among the Bangkokians. Yes, I am from Bangkok, Thailand as well, however, these ideas have never crossed my mind i.e. the people from the rural areas are just not as knowledgable as we are. It's one of the misconception that the Bangkokians need to fix. When there's a change in this perception of the lower class people, then we might be able to perform more effectively as a "global" country. We might be able to step back to be one of the emerging markets in the world.

Like I said I don't usually express my thoughts when it comes to politics. But hopefully, people will consider what I've discussed. Maybe it might help in relieving the current situation in Thailand.

Hopefully this will end peacefully.

Friday, April 16, 2010

deactivated from facebook

Hah! I just got a grip to deactivate myself on facebook!

good bye, social life. At least, until I'm done with my 3 midterms:
Organic Chemistry (4/16)
Physiology (4/19)
Epidemiology (4/21)

crazy isn't it?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

i don't think it's a good idea for me to hate/resent you...

I'm going to start off with a story..

this particular guy, lets call him.. Mr. H.
for some i-don't-even-remember-what reason,
i just really DON'T like him.
then whenever we worked together..
all i see is his flaw, repeating itself
and he doesn't even know it..

all over the place it's such a mess.

so i've been thinking. i could be such a b*tch sometimes.
since i don't think he knows i hate him.
(yes, hate is indeed a strong word.)
i must be pulling off some good poker faces after all these years.

yes i do take grudges. and i don't think it ever goes away.
well, unless you can prove to me right away (the 2nd time?)
that my first impression is indeed wrong, you are in my
deep dark corner of my heart, creeping out to
ruin my mood once in a while..

well unless you have to work with them all the time
like mr. H here. ugh..


here's something that calm me down.


So I had a dream a couple nights ago. Let's say it's one of those dream that makes you don't want to wake up (to reality) and you know it. So I tried getting back to sleep, but before i got to do that, I glared at the alarm clock...

and i just gave up.

dreams will remain dreams unless you make it real.
this is the second time i dream of you.

I'm trying to make it real, so wish me good luck, everyone.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

my photography

if you're interested in learning more about my life via photography,
here you go...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

jonsi & "happy new years, friends"

i was waiting so long to go to jonsi concert. although i was sort of expecting more of it, but they were really talented anyway.

i remember 'go do' was the first song i've heard from his new album. of course, i've known him from sigur ros, the icelandic band. oh well, just want to express that.

So my friends came up from OR to see this concert. They spent the weekend with me, and that was good times. Now it's back to reality. back to working, back to complications, and frustration. ugh!

Talking about frustration. The situation in Thailand turns out to be like what I'd expected. bloody mess. This whole situation just cease everything. To be honest, I really do not have anything much in response to this political clash (war) that is going on allover Thailand right now. not right now. I just want to pay respect for people who passed away from this preventable incidence. Both the soldiers and the red-shirts. :(

and don't forget that it's new year in Thailand. how nice of them to turn this "holiday" and turn it into something rather sad. I'd like to wish you all, my thai friends and family, happy new year anyway. who knows what is going to happen in the future. this will not stop until.. I'm just going to stop with that. but i think we all know how this is going to end, we are just all in denial, because we are frightened of changes.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

some people just never learn from the history

this post is just going to be about the demonstration that is currently going on all over thailand right now. normally i don't discuss politics with anyone, ever. thailand's politics are just too complicated. sometimes it affects your social life, so I've always just listen when someone brought it up. however, right now i just want to mention it. from my perspective. from my very personal perspective.

as of now, Thailand has declared the state of emergency. again. Last I've heard about the situation over there is that the government is trying to dissolve, not the "selected, but not elected" parliament, but the demonstration of the "red-shirts". I don't claimed to be one of the red-shirts, although when it comes to ideolo
gy, i'm definitely with them. i've always grown up hearing about the history of thailand's so-called "democracy", and how far we've come as a country. it is rough since there is no absolute democracy anywhere in the world. and i don't think there ever will be one.

since i was a kid
, i've always heard about this struggle for democracy, the october 6th incident, where many horrible things happen. activists were brutally murdered. some images that i've seen have always lingered in my mind. and to be honest, some of those pictures are my motivation to do better. to make the world better. to dream of the world of "understanding" and most definitely, peace. these stories and images definitely contribute to making who i am today, i dare say that.

i apologized for the graphic photo. THIS IS NOT AN ENCOURAGEMENT FOR SUCH ACTION. hopefully it serves as a lesson for everyone, not only the thai people.

anyway, for someone who might come across this blog, and want to learn more about the political situation in thailand. thailand recently banned an issue of the Economist due to the nature of its content. well, the content is something everyone in thailand knows about but do not dare talk about it. here's the link to online version of the article.

p.s. i really do hope that this would end peacefully. however, it's the balance between justice and peace. hopefully one is possible without the expense of another.

thank you, whoever is listening..

as crazy as it may sounds..
after the previous post about crappy seattle weather...
we've seen sunlight for 2 consecutive days now!
despite the fact that it's literally "crazy" weather you know?

like snow, hail, warm sunny, cold sunny, more rain.. and all in one day.

i love the unpredictability of seattle's weather.

p.s. jonsi's concert is tmr. i'm excitedd!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

the weather needs to get better soon

it's been really grim lately in seattle.
my good friend was visiting last week..
and the weather sure did not welcome him.
it was disappointing.

i mean i can totally tolerate weeks of cold, rainy days.
but not like this, not after a week-long spring break
of warm sunny days in the bay area.

oh, how much i miss san francisco

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Crazy people with a cause, and those without

Crazy people with a cause. Well, at least I believe so.

Those without one
. I really just don't get them. This is their idea of "fun"?

Technology and Deaths

For the past week, my phone has been dying on me at the most random time. It'd just stop whenever I tried to text or even do something functionally easy e.g. call out. I can still pick up the phone when someone called though. So I guess I'm not that antisocial, just yet.

Not only that, my laptop has been dying on me too! I don't know what it is with all the technology I owned. Talking about this makes me also realized that on my way home today.. my ipod just froze on me.

Maybe this is really not my month.


P.S. I really hope my lovely laptop/phone/ipod don't die soon. I need them more than they would ever know. *sigh*