Saturday, August 3, 2013

Dearest friends,

Disclaimer: This post is by no mean saying that one religion is better than the other. This post only reflect my thoughts and meant no harm to anyone or any practice. If in any way, this post offends anyone, I apologize. English is not my first language and I may have to express my thoughts too well. Again, I am sorry. This post is for sharing purposes and not a claim/statement.

Religion has always been the topics that I have always tried to avoid ever talked about. Growing up in the not so religious family, even though we say we are Buddhists, but we have never discussed the practices, the beliefs, let alone comparative studies for different religions.

I spent the last 5 years in secondary school in a Catholic School. To be honest, I was relieved that my school was quite diverse and therefore does not require you to believe in any.. specific religions. Studying bibles was not mandatory, celebrating religious holidays was not required, practicing religions of your choice was voluntary.

At one point in school, I considered converting to Catholic. I want to connect to the higher being, someone who can guide me through the course of my life in peace. But when I proposed the idea to my friend, she thought it was ridiculous and told me that it is not that easy, don't make a big deal out of it. I was surprised, and eventually stopped thinking about it.

Today, I had a conversation with my friend and her mentor. Both of them are Christians and have very strong faith in their beliefs. The mentor has always been gentle, insightful and kind to me, providing guidance when we both need one. Today she touched on the topic of regions. In particular, of Christianity. In my recent years living in US and Hong Kong, nobody has seriously asked me the question, 'have you ever considered Christianity?' Nobody has made the efforts to actually convinced me (in an appropriate matters i.e. sincerely and nicely shared their beliefs, and not a forceful "converting" kind). Today she was kind enough to tell me about how she believe, and explained how her belief makes her feel completed. And it was different. She told me about how believing in God and Jesus make her be a better person. How she is always reminded of how blessed she is. And.. to be honest, how is it different than other beliefs or simply the beliefs to become a better person? The road of a noble man. How is it different than choosing the be good person?

I think about it... long and hard.

So.. how exactly are each religion different?

Think about it I suppose.


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