Monday, October 22, 2012

Dimsum Land turns Outdoor Land

Dear friends,

Coming to Hong Kong, I was under the impression that I am coming to live in one of the most crowdest place in the world (apparently that is not true, although sometimes it seems like it could be), one of the best food in the world, but a claustrophobic would just die living in HK apartments.  At some point earlier, I just know that I would never live in Hong Kong. And I remember saying that.

Although it took me some time to ease in to Hong Kong lifestyle, now I really have grown to love this city. Its accessibility and its systematic transport system. Many of my friends actually told me that the "honor system" tends to works perfectly well here, but not things have changed for a bit. Although coming from the absolute (and not relative, since I have never lived in other Chinese-speaking city) perspective, HK people are rather rude.

Hey, hey.. this is not a blog to rant about HK but rather I want to express how appreciative I am that I chose to come to HK. I met many good friends and I have learned a lot of these great people around me this year. It's going to be approximately 1 year next Saturday since I arrived in Hong Kong for this job.

So... back to my point on being appreciative. I have recently becoming more active, and start hiking and playing hockey. I have realized and am very much impressed by HK people's activeness. They are always busy doing something, playing sports, going to the beach, hiking, BBQ-ing, etc. But I have fell in love with HK outdoors. It's like a hidden gem. Almost like Seattle Summer as the Northwest secret, just almost though. But this recent eye-opening completely alters my perspective of HK and I recalled the last time I went home, my mom said "you really do travel like a local." Yes, I am proud to travel like local. Spending time outside in HK is.. one word... Epic.

My colleagues/ex-colleagues hiked up to this beach yesterday, Ham Tin Beach. This is claimed to be the most beautiful beach in HK, and it surely is (see picture below). Took this picture with iphone, sorry for the bad quality and my scribble on the photos. But well if you want the better version, go find me on instagram (@mzkaew).

Despite the obvious sign. We went out there anyway, just to see how scary it is.
Well I go there for taking a picture, but my friends are probably not there just to check how cool it is.
Credit to: Pauline Chan

My intention is to explore HK outdoor a little bit more while I am here. Finish the HK trail by the end of this year. And appreciate HK a little bit more each day. Perhaps even fall in love with it like I did with Seattle.

Okay, I should go now! Hope you all enjoy the picture! Ciao!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Old journal..

Dear friend,
Just found this draft hidden somewhere on my computer.

March 9th 2012
Dear friends,

For the last three weeks, I was in Vientiane, Lao PDR for a business trip.  During this time, I have had the, you know, typical ups and downs, emotionally. But one thing certain that I have learned from this trip is that I should be proud of myself, for doing the work I do and being able to identify solutions for the challenges I have encountered with.

This trip was the first business trip that I have been assigned to, that is longer than a week and that I am going alone. Luckily, I was sent here to Vientiane where language isn’t really a problem because I am Thai. They even accept Thai currency here. But the planning for this trip was quite painful. It was quite a short period of time. There was problem with my credit card. I was constantly worrying about whether the trip would be okay or not. But here I am at the end of the trip, heading back home to Bangkok before going back to the dearly beloved Hong Kong (umm… that was sarcasm, just FYI).

First few days were quite exciting. There were places to see, all the temples and history to learn about Laos. Yes, I have been here before, but I was young and did not care to learn too much about how things become the way it is right now. So there were so much to learn and explore, and I was ready to tackle all that.

At the office, things were slow. I did the basic stuff, administrative and preparation of the officer operations. People were welcoming me and I did not feel out of place. Afterall, I did meet all these people before but only for a short period of time.

Let me get into the reasons why I said I was proud of myself (then I will tell you why there are things that I am disappointed with as well). I was proud of myself for being there. For being ready to challenge myself to work alone in places I am not familiar with. For working hard and trying my best for the project.

During this trip I have got many compliments from many people i.e. “you’re a strong woman… always go somewhere far away from home. Studying in Seattle, working in Hong Kong and coming to Viangchan alone.” This reminds me of what my grandma said last time I was home. She said, “I raised you to be a strong, independent woman, who won’t be scared of anything. I made you play with guns rather than dolls!” But there I was getting this compliment from the lady that sold me some postcards and stamps, and she just happened to over see my postcards to Seattle.

More than half a year late.
I know I have another one. Stay tune!


What if..

Dear friends,

Have you wondered what if...

Congratulations! You're a normal human being.

I truly think that everyone has the moment when they wonder "what if...". What if I did not move? What if we did not break up? What if I have done my best? What if I have been born smarter..? My friend, I think it's perfectly normal. We thrive to be better. We thrive for a better situation for ourselves and our loved ones.

No matter how much.. you don't want to think about it. It always comes back. It creeps into your mind when you think a little too hard. Sad, isn't it?

Personally, I am a very moody individual. One minute I can be on top of the world, and feel proud of myself. Next minute, my mind could beat my pride down. Stomp on it a little (sometimes). And I am back on the ground level or a little bit below sea level.

I think it is harmless. Not too healthy (mentally). But it drives me to be proactive in improving myself. Hike a little bit more. Be a little more social. Work a little harder. Be a better girlfriend.

I don't think I am making any sense.. But I just want to share.

I just can't help thinking.. what if you're not here. what if something happened and you can't be here to hold my hands or make me feel loved. will I still be the world traveler? will I still be this fierce young lady? will I fall in love again?

Back to reality. I will cherish you. I'll hold his hands as well. I'll hug him when he needs me. Love him more and more each day.

Hmm. Maybe it will make you a better person afterall, the ultimate yet.. deadly 'what-ifs'.

Hope you all would agree.

Emily Alexandreta

Recommended Soundtrack: Boy's "July"
Location: on the bed which scrapbooks laid out.

'what if...'