Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Alone with Crepe Cake and Lasagna!

As unfortunate and sad as it actually sounds.. spending Christmas Eve alone is not that bad. Or I am really good at fooling myself. But in reality, I have never really celebrate Christmas before. Our country/family is more the New-Year celebration type. But being in Seattle, where almost everybody celebrate Christmas is a little depressing.

Two friends bailed on me at the very last minute. It's not like they don't have a legit reason, but I can't help to be a little disappointed. It kinda pissed me off knowing that I could have been somewhere else, if I didn't have the plan with them and have them cancelled on me later in the day. I could have been at a friend's place for little Christmas gathering.

However, I did accomplished a couple of things on this Christmas Eve! I made my first cake EVER. Well, making them alone for the first time I mean. I made crepe cake, one of my favorite ever. EVER. I remember my friend bought my crepe cake for my birthday and I did the same for my grandpa's birthday! Uggh, what a summer. :)

Here it is..

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