Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Consumers - What Makes Rich People Happy? (Besides Money) - CNBC

Consumers - What Makes Rich People Happy? (Besides Money) - CNBC

Note how the brands that make people happy are mostly technology, cars and chocolates.


i'm disappointed to myself today.  :(

i got myself into a car accident that could have been easily avoided. Yes, everyone is fine including me. To me, it looks just like a scratch on her car and on my friend's car (that I was driving).

First of all, I know I can totally avoid it. The whole thing is totally my fault. I wasted everyone's time. my time, the opponent's time, my friend's time, my friend's mom's time. :( I don't know. I just couldn't get myself to feel better.

The funny thing is that people thought that I was so calm. But at the point I almost cried my heart out. Just because I looked calm doesn't mean that I am calm.  :(

I'm glad my best friend noticed it though.

So while I was trying to make myself feel better. I edited some photos from last month. So here we go. Hopefully, this could cheer up someone out there, since if so, it would make me feel better definitely. *sigh*

Friday, July 9, 2010

the real tragedies that the world has officially accepted...

" In settings of resources constraint, it is necessary for rational resource allocation to prioritise TB treatment categories according to the cost-effectiveness of treatment of each category." Official WHO statement

Unbelievable, isn't it? As long as it is cost-effective, the low-resource countries should accept the ineffective treatments that the world-class organization is providing? :(

Page 141, Mountains Beyond Mountains

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

things that make you smile :)

Hung out with my family the past Sunday. Good time, really. Just sat there holding hands with grandpa, helping grandma with the cooking that eventually she gets irritated, hugging my baby cousin so tightly, and being called "old". 
Apparently my family thinks I look old. Is that a good thing? Should I take it as a good thing, looking mature despite my age, or the bad way, i just look old... -_-!!