Saturday, August 14, 2010

Catching up with my summer tales..

Hello everyone,

It has definitely been a while since my last post. Well things are pretty busy here at home. I'm done with the internship finally. There is actually so much to say about that. The internship was definitely.. An experience of a lifetime.

Working at Phatra definitely allow me to see the world from a different point of view. I learned how to use what I learned at school in reality. I see theories being proved true and also being torn apart with the recent financial crisis. If I were to describe everything that I learn this summer all in this post. He'll, it's goig to be pretty long. Well, I think the most important thing that I learned is that finance isn't that bad. Well not as bad as my friend Lucas has made me believed. It's the matter of personally preference. People who worked there seem to be enjoying themseleves, of course with an occasional moment of tiredness. But they welcome another day of analyzing the economy and the business world every morning they are at work. I am jealous to see them know exactly what they want to do with their life. Lol, well considering my age and theirs. I think I still have some time to go.

Yes. I admit that I still don't know how my life is goig to be. My dad still pushes me towards finance, which like I've said isn't as bad as I had expected. But I can't exactly give up my healthcare dream can I? Who knows this would be such a pain when I postpone my decision between economics and healthcare. Who knows? I wish I had someone to warn me. People just say that I'm crazy for choosing both. But that's more like a praise rather than "err, maybe it's time for you to choose since it would be harder as you grow up."

I think another good lesson for me this summer is how to manage time you spend with all the people you love. When I was still working, well to be more specific, interning. I spent all the weekdays staying at the condo near my work place. I barely get to see my parents and my family. But I dedicate all my weekend spending time wig them. Web though it's just going out to eat, sitting on that couch and watch tv, walking the dog by the lake, etc. These time meant something. Unfortunately not everyone see the world this way, and yes that makes me really sad and disappointed.

Tragically, I attended two funerals during my time here in Bkk. One is my good friend's grandma and another one is for the person who took care of my family when we went to Sydney in 2006. Good memories. Good times. Two people from my childhood within the same month. Unfortunate, it definitely is.

I remember eating dinner at my friend's house with her family. We were really tight for a year or so. And in the end I was such a bitch to her. I still haven't exactly apologized to her. But she seems to be forgetig bout it now. Earlier when I first came back and start working at Phatra, I was turnig 21. as ironic as it sounds. Well everyone know the 21st birthday is a BIG thing. Well for me I just had dinner with my good friends from elementary school. It was peaceful. But then her grandma passed away and attending her funeral makes me reflect upon my own life at hand. I think it would feel like the world would end in my case. I don't know whether I can handle it or not.
